Avahita Team


Do Start-ups need Knowledge Management?

Learn why knowledge management is essential for start-ups, boosting efficiency and sustainable growth through structured information harnessing. It is often perceived that knowledge management is...

A Sustainable Development Journey of ‘Recycle, Reuse, Repurpuse’ in Ghatakpukur

Discover how SusthitiSutra, the social impact arm of Avahita,  empowers women in Ghatakpukur through sustainable recycling practices and artisan skills training. Introduction to Ghatakpukur and...

Strengthening Market Linkage for Artisans: Avahita joins hands with NINFET-ICAR to lead E-Commerce Initiative for Eco-Friendly Agribased Products

Empowering artisans through innovative e-commerce solutions for sustainable growth. ICAR-National Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering and Technology (ICAR-NINFET), Kolkata, organized a Business Meet on E-Commerce...

Digital Media Emerges as the Primary Mode of Building Strong Brands: First Chapter of Business Wire India’s Wire Impact Series

Corporates and media came together to debate ways to make the press release more relevant for today’s influencers Gurgaon, Haryana, India:   Key Takeaways Legacy media...